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이름 : 이길재
연락처 : 02-880-2821
e-mail : meddugi1027@naver.com
The role of microbiome in NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)
2014. 09 - 2016. 08 서울대학교 보건대학원 석사
2016. 09 - 2022. 02 서울대학교 보건대학원 박사
(3) Lee, G., You, H. J., Bajaj, J. S., Joo, S. K., Yu, J., Park, S., Kang, H., Park, J. H., Kim, J. H., Lee, D. H., Lee, S., Kim, W. & Ko, G. Distinct signatures of gut microbiome and metabolites associated with significant fibrosis in non-obese NAFLD. Nature Communications 11, 4982, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18754-5 (2020).

(2) Kim, Y. W., You, H. J., Lee, S., Kim, B., Kim, D. K., Choi, J.-B., Kim, J.-A., Lee, H. J., Joo, I. S., Lee, J. S. Kang, D. H., Lee, G. J., Ko, G. & Lee, S.-J. Inactivation of norovirus by lemongrass essential oil using a norovirus surrogate system. Journal of food protection 80, 1293-1302 (2017).

(1) Yang, M., Lee, G., Si, J., Lee, S.-J., You, H. J. & Ko, G. Curcumin shows antiviral properties against norovirus. Molecules 21, 1401 (2016).