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이름 : 박 성준
연락처 : 02-880-2821
e-mail : haha7007@snu.ac.kr
- Disinfection // Antimicrobial activities of (complexed) nanoparticles
 - Norovirus // Caliciviruses
 - MST
2010. 9 ~ 2012. 8 서울대학교 보건대학원 석사
2012. 9 ~ 2016. 8 서울대학교 보건대학원 박사
2015. 1 ~ 현재    (주) 고바이오랩 기획팀장, 전략기획본부 그룹장
2016. 10 ~ 현재  서울대학교 생명공학공동연구원 객원연구원
2022. 4 ~ 현재    (주) 위바이옴 최고운영책임자 (COO)
2022. 6 ~ 2023. 9 (주) 위바이옴 연구소장 (CTO, 겸임)
Projects (Research Grants)

1. 2017, 한국지식재산전략원 (Korea Intellectual property STrategy Agency, KISTA, Republic of Korea), 글로벌 기술혁신 IP 전략개발 사업 (Global IP Strategy Development Project for Technological Innovation), IP-R&D 전략지원사업 (IP related R&D Strategic Support Program, IP-TI), 인체 마이크로비옴 제어기술 기반 맞춤형 프로바이오틱스 TI 개발, 과제책임자 (PI) (Total cost: KRW 200,000,000).

2. 2017 - 2018 , 농림수산식품기술기획평가원 (IPET), 고부가가치기술개발사업, 장내 미생물총 개선 소재 및 제품에 대한 면역기능 개선 효능 평가, 공동연구원, 세부책임 (Co-investigator) (Total cost: KRW 183,540,000).

3. 2022, 한국식품산업클러스터진흥원, 공동기술개발사업, 칸디다성 질염 예방/개선 목적의 프로바이오틱스 개발, 과제책임 (Principal investigator) (Total cost: KRW 50,000,000).

4. 2023, 한국식품산업클러스터진흥원, 공동기술개발사업, 항비만용 사균 복합제제 기반 건강기능식품개발, 과제책임 (Principal investigator) (Total cost: KRW 123,000,000).

5. 2023, 농림축산식품부, 식품기능석평가지원사업단(인체적용시험), 질 건강에 미치는 KBL674의 유효성 및 안전성을 평가하기 위한 12주, 다기관, 무작위배정, 이중눈가림, 위약대조 인체적용시험, 과제책임 (Principal investigator) (Total cost: KRW 240,000,000).

Scientific Publications


1. H.H. Park, S. Park, G. Ko and K.J. Woo*, 2013, Magnetic hybrid colloids decorated with Ag nanoparticles bite away bacteria and chemisorb viruses, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 21(1):2701-2709., doi: 10.1039/C3TB20311E. <front page>

2. S. Park, H.H. Park, S.Y. Kim, S.J. Kim, K.J. Woo and G. Ko*, 2014, Antiviral properties of silver nanoparticles on a magnetic hybrid colloid, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80(8):2343-2350., doi: 10.1128/AEM.03427-13.

3. J.E. Yoo, C. Lee, S. Park and G. Ko*, 2017, Evaluation of various real-time reverse transcription quantitative PCR assays for norovirus detection, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27(4):816–824., doi: 10.4014/jmb.1612.12026.

4. S. Park, H.H. Park, Y.S. Ko, S.J. Lee, T.S. Le, K.J. Woo and G. Ko*, 2017, Disinfection of various bacterial pathogens using novel silver nanoparticle-decorated magnetic hybrid colloids, Science of The Total Environment, 609:289-296., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.07.071.

5. J.H. Kim, J.E. Park, M. Lin, S. Kim, G.H. Kim, S. Park, G. Ko and J.M. Nam*, 2017, Sensitive, quantitative naked-eye biodetection with polyhedral Cu nanoshells, Advanced Materials, 29(37)., doi: 10.1002/adma.201702945.

6. S. Park, Y.S. Ko, H.Y. Jung, C. Lee, K.J. Woo and G. Ko*, 2018, Disinfection of waterborne viruses using silver nanoparticle-decorated silica hybrid composites in water environments, Science of The Total Environment, 625:477-485., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.318.

7. H.Y. Ko, K. Cho, S. Park, J.H. Kim, J.H. Kang, Y.S. Jeong, J.D. Choi, Y. Sin, C. Lee and G. Ko*. 2018, Host-specific bacteroides markers-based microbial source tracking in aquaculture areas, Microbes and Environments, 33(2):151-161., doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME17166.

8. S. Park, Y.S. Ko, S.J. Lee, C. Lee, K.J. Woo and G. Ko*. 2018, Inactivation of influenza A virus via exposure to silver nanoparticle-decorated silica hybrid composites, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(27):27021-27030., doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-2620-z.

9. K. Cho, C. Lee, S. Park, J.H. Kim, Y.S. Choi, M.S. Kim, E.S. Koo, H.J. Yoon, J.H. Kang, Y.S. Jeong, J.D. Choi and G. Ko*. 2018, Use of coliphages to investigate norovirus contamination in a shellfish growing area in Republic of Korea, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(30):30044–30055., doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-2857-6.

10. C. Lee*, S. Park, K. Cho, J.E. Yoo, S. Lee and G. Ko*. 2018, Comparison of swab sampling methods for norovirus recovery on surfaces, Food and Environmental Virology, 10(4):378-385., doi: 10.1007/s12560-018-9353-5.

11. W. Kim†, Y.J. Jang†, B. Seo, D.H. Han, S. Park and G. Ko*. 2019, Administration of Lactobacillus paracasei strains improves immunomodulation and changes the composition of gut microbiota leading to improvement of colitis in mice, Journal of Functional Foods, 52:565-575., doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2018.11.035.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

12. W. Kim†, Y.J. Jang†, D.H. Han, B. Seo, S. Park, C. H. Lee, and G. Ko*. 2019, Administration of Lactobacillus fermentum KBL375 causes taxonomic and functional changes in gut microbiota leading to improvement of atopic dermatitis, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 6:Article_92., doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2019.00092.   
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

13. J. Lee†, S. Park†, C. Lee*, K. Cho, Y.S. Jeong, Y. Kim, K. Park, J.D. Choi, Y. Sin, G. Ko*, 2020, Male specific and somatic coliphage profiles from major aquaculture areas in Republic of Korea, Food and Environmental Virology, 12(3):240-249., doi: 10.1007/s12560-020-09438-w.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

14. D.H. Han†, W. Kim†, S. Park, Y.J. Jang, G. Ko*, 2020, Lactobacillus paracasei treatment modulates mRNA expression in macrophages, Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports,23:100788., doi: 10.1016/j.bbrep.2020.100788.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

15. W. Kim†, D.H. Han†, Y.J. Jang, S. Park, S.J. Jang, G. Lee, H.S. Han, G. Ko*, 2020, Alleviation of DSS-induced colitis via Lactobacillus acidophilus treatment in mice, Food & Function, 12(1):340-350., doi: 10.1039/d0fo01724h.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

16. S. Park, C. Lee*, K. Cho, H.Y. Ko, S.J. Jang, G. Ko*, 2021, Improved real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR detection of norovirus following removal of inhibitors, Heliyon, 7(7):e07560., doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07560.

17. Y.S. Ko†, S. Park†, G. Ko, K.J. Woo*, 2022, Bactericidal activity of immobilized silver nanoparticles on silica substrates with different sizes, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(16):24180-24190., doi:10.1007/s11356-021-17710-0.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

18. D.H. Han†, W. Kim†, C. Lee, S. Park, K. Lee, S.J. Jang, G. Ko*, 2022, Co-administration of Lactobacillus gasseri KBL697 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor infliximab improves colitis in mice, Scientific Reports, 12, 9640., doi:10.1038/s41598-022-13753-6.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

19. W. Kim†*, S. Min†, H. Kwon, S. Park, M.J. Jo, G. Ko*, 2023, Lactobacillus rhamnosus
KBL2290 ameliorates gut inflammation in a mouse model of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis, Journal of Microbiology, 61(7):673-682., doi: 10.1007/s12275-023-00061-5.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

20. W. Kim†*, Y.J. Jang†, S. Park, S. Min, H. Kwon, M.J. Jo, G. Ko*, 2024, Lactobacillus acidophilus KBL409 ameliorates atopic dermatitis in a mouse model. Journal of Microbiology, 62(2):91-99., doi.org/10.1007/s12275-024-00104-5.
† These authors have contributed equally to this work.

21. S. Yoon, S. Park*, S.E. Jung, C. Lee, W. Kim, I. Choi, G. Ko*, 2024, Fermented milk containing Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus SNU50430 modulates immune responses and gut
microbiota in antibiotic-treated mice. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 34(6):1299-1306., doi.org/10.4014/jmb.2401.01012.

22. D. Choi, S.J. Jang, S. Choi, S. Park, W. Kim, G. Lee, C. Lee*, G. Ko*, 2024, Oral administration of Limosilactobacillus reuteri KBL346 ameliorates influenza Virus A/PR8 infection inmouse. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, ePub ahead to print., doi.org/10.1007/s12602-024-10301-8.

23. S. Park, C. Lee*, S.J. Jang, K. Cho, J.H. Kim, W. Kim, J.H. Kang, K.S. Park, G. Ko*, 2024, Distributions of fecal indicators at aquaculture areas In a bay of Republic of Korea. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 34(11):2223-2230., doi.org/10.4014/jmb.2406.06001.

24. S.J. Jang, E.J. Jo, C. Lee, B.-R. Cho, Y.J. Shin, J.S. Song, W. Kim, N. Lee, H. Lee, S. Park*, G. Ko*, 2024, Limosilactobacillus fermentum KBL674 alleviates vaginal candidasis. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, ePub ahead to print., doi.org/10.1007/s12602-024-10403-3

 <Domestic Journals>

1. S. Park, S.H. Hong, A.H. Lee, C.J. Kim, S.J. Kim, S.K. Kim, G. Ko*, 2011, A microbiological analysis and hazard factor evaluation of food utensils and fixtures of food service operations in schools, Journal of Environmental Health Science, 37(5):376-386., doi: 10.5668/JEHS.2011.37.5.376

2. S. Park, H.S. Yun, S.J. Lee, M.J. Yang, B.M. Kwon, C. Lee, G. Ko*, 2014, A study on bacterial contamination of cooking environments of food service operations at university, Journal of Environmental Health Science, 40(2):88-97., doi: 10.5668/JEHS.2014.40.2.88

3. H.Y. Jung, J.H. Sohn, J.Y. Lee, I.A. Lee, J.Y. Ko, N.Y. Ko, S. Park, G. Ko, S.K. Kim*, 2015, Assessment report of bacterial contamination in some school dining services with table swabs and air samples, Journal of Environmental Health Science, 41(6):397-404., doi: 10.5668/JEHS.2015.41.6.397
4. S. Choi, D. Choi, S.J. Jang, S. Park, C. Yoon, K. Lee, G. Ko, C. Lee*, 2022, Filtration efficiencies of commercial face masks in Korea for biological aerosols, Journal of Environmental Health Science, 48(2):116-112., doi: 10.5668/JEHS.2022.48.2.116

5. J. Park, Y. Yang, S. Park, K. Lee, C. Lee*, C. Yoon*, 2024, Bacterial filtration efficiencies of KF94 masks according to wearing duration, Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 34(1):48-56., doi: 10.15269/JKSOEH.2024.34.1.48

6. M. Kim, M.J. Jo, S. Park, H. Lee, J. Yu, S.H. Lee, S.B. Lee, W. Kim*, G. Ko*, 2024, Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus KBL409 administration on uremic toxins, Korean Journal of Microbiology, 60(3):161-168., doi: 10.7845/kjm.2024.4051

 <Papers & Posters presented in conferences>

1. S. Park, H.H. Park, K.J. Woo, G. Ko*, Antimicrobial properties of novel magnetic-silica-silver nanoparticle composites, International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, May, 2012.

2. S. Park, H.H. Park, S.J. Lee, K.J. Woo, G. Ko*, Disinfection of norovirus using silver nanoparticles on magnetic hybrid colloid, American Society for Microbiology 113th General Meeting (ASM2013), May, 2013.

3. S. Park, H.H. Park, S.J. Lee, K.J. Woo, G. Ko*, Disinfection of norovirus using novel magnetic hybrid colloid decorated with silver nanoparticles, Fifth international conference on Caliciviruses, October, 2013.

4. S. Park, H.H. Park, S.J. Lee, L.T. Son, K.J. Woo, C. Lee, G. Ko*, Control of various pathogenic viruses and bacteria using novel silver nanoparticle composites, International Society for Food and Environmental Virology, September, 2014.

5. J.Y. Lee, C. Lee, S. Park, G. Ko*, Microbial source tracking in shellfish growing area of South Korea using coliphages, International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, April, 2015.

6. C. Lee, S. Lee, H.S. Yoon, J.Y. Lee, S. Park, G. Ko*, Identification of fecal contamination sources in three shellfish growing areas in Korea by next-generation sequencing, American Society for Microbiology 115th General Meeting (ASM2015), May, 2015.

7. J.Y. Lee, S. Park, Y.S. Jeong, Y. Kim, K. Park, J.D. Choi, Y. Sin, G. Ko, C. Lee*, Seasonal and spatial distribution of male-specific and somatic coliphages from major aquaculture areas in Republic of Korea, Annual Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies, October, 2019.

8. S.J. Jang, E.J. Jo, W. Kim, Y.J. Shin, J.S. Song, N. Lee, H. Lee, G. Ko, S. Park*, Administration of Lactobacillus fermentum KBL674 alleviate Candida albicans infection in mice, International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, October, 2022.

9. J.H. Song, K.M. Lim, Y.I. Kim, G. Kim, J. Eom, E.Y. Lim, D. Shin, H. Song, H. Kim, H.S. Shin, S. Park, M.Y. Lim, S. Lee*, Immunostimulatory effect of Lactobacillus reuteri KBL346, L. rhamnosus KBL352, and L. fermentum KBL375, KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting, June, 2023.

10. S.J. Jang, E.J. Jo, B. Cho, Y.J. Shin, J.S. Song, N. Lee, C. Lee, H. Lee, G. Ko, S. Park*, Lactobacillus fermentum KBL674 Improves Vaginal Candida albicans Infection in an in vivo Therapeutic Model, International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, October, 2023.

11. S.J. Jang, B. Cho, K.B. Lee, M. Jang, S.H. Park, K.E. Yeo, J.M. Bae, N. Lee, H. Lee, G. Ko, S. Park*,The Pasteurized Consortia Containing Bacteroides vulgatus KBL981 and Akkermansia muciniphila KBL983 Improve Metabolism and Gut Microbiome in Obese Mice, International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, October, 2023.


1. Composition comprising Lactobacillus Acidophilus KBL402 or KBL409 strain for alleviating, preventing or treating intestinal diseases (PCT/KR2021/013946)

2. 락토바실러스 퍼멘텀 균주의 면역 증진 용도(Immunity enhancement uses of Lactobacillus fermentum strain) (KR,10-2024-0050977)