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이름 : 이 성희
연락처 : 02-880-2821
e-mail : life7hee@snu.ac.kr
- Human gut microbiome
 - Bioinformatics
2007. 9 ~ 서울대학교 보건대학원 석사과정
 2010. 9 ~ 서울대학교 보건대학원 박사과정
Archival journal (International)

10. S. Lee, B. Cantarel, B. Henrissat, D. Gevers, B.W. Birren, C. Huttenhower, and G. Ko., 2013, Gene-targeted metagenomic analysis of glucan-branching enzyme gene profiles among human and animal fecal microbiota, ISME J. 8:504-514

9. J. E. Lee, S. Lee, H. T. Lee, Y. M. Song, K. Y. Lee, M. J. Han, J. H. Sung and G. Ko., 2013, Association of the Vaginal Microbiota with Human Papillomavirus Infection in a Korean Twin Cohort, PLoS ONE 8(5):e63514
8. S.Y. Kim, M. Kim, S. Lee, J. Lee, and G. Ko*, 2012, Survival of microorganisms on antimicrobial filters and the removal efficiency of bioaerosols in an environmental chamber, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 22(9):1288-95.

7. Sung Yeon Kim, Zhi Yeol Kim, Sunghee Lee and GwangPyo Ko, 2011. Comparison of molecular and total ATP-based analytical methods with culture for the analysis of bioaerosols, Science of the Total Environment. 409:1732–1737

6. Lee, S., J. Sung, J. E. Lee, and G. Ko*. 2011. Comparison of the Gut Microbiotas of Healthy Adult Twins Living in South Korea and the United States. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77:7433-7437.

5. Lee, S., Y. J. Cho, A. H. Lee, J. Chun, N. J. Ha, and G. Ko*. 2011. GENOMIC SEQUENCE OF LACTOBACILLUS RUMINIS SPM0211 ISOLATED FROM A FECAL SAMPLE FROM A HEALTHY KOREAN. Journal of Bacteriology : JB. 05601-11v1.

4. Lee, J. E., S. Lee, J. Sung, and G. Ko*. 2010. Analysis of human and animal fecal microbiota for microbial source tracking. The ISME journal 5:362-365.

3. Kim, S. Y., J. E. Lee, S. Lee, H. T. Lee, H. G. Hur, and G. Ko*. 2010. Characterization of Enterococcus spp. from human and animal feces using 16S rRNA sequences, the esp gene, and PFGE for microbial source tracking in Korea. Environmental science & technology 44:3423-3428.

2. J. E. Lee, M. Y. Lim, S. Y. Kim, S. Lee, H. T. Lee, H. M. Oh, H. G. Hur, and G. Ko*, 2009, Molecular characterization of bacteriophages for Microbial Source Tracking in Korea. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 75(22):7107-14.

1. S. Lee, B. Choi, S. M. Yi, and G. Ko*, 2009, Characterization of microbialcommunity during Asian dust events in Korea, Science of the Total Environment, 407:5308-5314

 Archival journal (domestic)

2. 김세윤, 김미순, 이성희, 임미영, 이영민, 김지열, 고광표*, 2010, 시화호 인공습지의 수질정화 및 암모니아 산화균의 분포 연구, 물환경학회지. 29(1):10-18

1. 이성희, 김성연, 김미순, 김민정, 서경진, 박영빈, 고광표*, 2009, 서울대학교 건강캠퍼스 조성연구: 대기, 수질, 및 표면의 미생물 연구, 보건학논집. 46(1):27-31.

 Conference proceedings (International)

7. Sunghee Lee, Dirk Geaver, and GwangPyo Ko*, Comparison of GH and 16S rRNA Gene Profiles Among Human and Animal Fecal Microbiomes, 112th General Meeting of the Federation of American Society for Microbiology(ASM). June 16-19, 2012, San Fransisco, CA, USA.

6. Sunghee Lee, Joohon Sung, Jung Eun Lee, Peter J. Turnbaugh, Jeffrey I. Gordon, and GwangPyo Ko*, Comparative analysis of human gut microbiota between Korean and U.S. populations (MetaHIT). March 1-4, 2010, Shenchen, China.

5. Sei-Yoon Kim,, JungEun Lee, Heetae Lee, SungHee Lee, Hor-Gil Hur, and GwangPyo Ko*, Molecular Evaluation of Enterococci spp. Identified from Various Fecal Sources in Korea. 109th General Meeting of the Federation of American Society for Microbiology(ASM). May 17-21, 2009, Philadelphia, PA, USA

4. Jung Eun Lee, Mi Young Lim, Sei Yoon Kim, Sunghee Lee, Heetae Lee, Hyun-Myung Oh2,Hor-Gil Hur, and GwangPyo Ko*. Molecular Characterization of Bacteriophages for Microbial Source Tracking in Korea. Federation of European Microbiological Societies(FEMS). June 28-July 2, 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden, EU

3. Jung Eun Lee, Mi Young Lim, Sei Yoon Kim, Sunghee Lee, Heetae Lee,Hor-Gil Hur, and GwangPyo Ko*. Characterization of Bacteriophages Isolated from Various Fecal Sources for Microbial Source Tracking in South Korea.12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME). August 17-22, 2008, Cairns, Australia

2. Jung En Lee, Mi Young Lim, Sei Yoon Kim, Sunghee Lee, Heetae Lee, GwangPyo Ko*. Distribution of F-specific bacteriophages in Human and Animal Sources of Fecal Sample in South Korea. 108th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology(ASM). June 1-5, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

1. Sunghee Lee, Bora Choi, Seung-Muk Yi, GwangPyo Ko*, Metagenomic Analysis of Airborne Microorganisms in Yellow Sand in Korea (METAGENOMICS), November, 2008, UCSD, San Diego, USA

 학술회의발표 (국내)

5. S. Kim, S. Lee, M. Kim, J. Lee, G. Ko, Reduction Efficiency of Bioaerosols by Various Functional Filters, 2009, American Society for Microbiology

4. SungYeon Kim, Sunghee Lee, Zhi Yeol Kim, and GwangPyo Ko, Characterization of Various Analytical Methods for Detecting Airborne Microorganisms, 2009, The Microbiological Society of Korea

3. 김성연, 박현진, 이성희, 고광표, 공중화장실 내 실내공기질과 표면오염도에 관한 연구, 2008, 한국실내환경학회

2. 김성연, 이성희, 고광표, 챔버를 이용한 기능성필터의 바이오에어로졸 제거효율에 관한 연구, 2008, 한국실내환경학회

1. 이정은, 임미영, 김세윤, 이성희, 이희태, 고광표. 한강유역의 미생물 오염원 추적을 위한 F-specific coliphage의 분포에 관한 연구. 한국 물 환경학회, 2008년 춘계학술회의. 2008년 4월 25-26일, 고려대학교